Loan Cost
- Interest: 15% p.m first cycle, 12% second cycle, 10% subsequent cycles
- Application Fee: ksh500
- Processing Fee: 0
Loan structure
- Type: Secured
- Interest structure: Flat Rate
- Security needed: 30% cash collateral, business stock, guarantors
Loan Details
- Loan size: Micro/SME
- Minimum tenure: 1 Month
- Max tenure: 6 Months
- Minimum Amount: ksh5k
- Max amount: ksh300k
- Repayment Frequency: Weekly
- Time in operation: 6 Months
- Original ID and Copy of ID
- Bank and M-PESA statements for at least 6 months
- Business permits
- Business records for at least 6 months
- 30% of loan amount as savings
This Product is provided by Inuka Africa Microfinance. Inuka Africa Microfinance is a Non-deposit taking Microfinance Institution duly registered under the Companies Act No 17 of 2015