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10 Best Business Ideas for Young Couples in Kenya
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10 Best Business Ideas for Young Couples in Kenya

Starting a business with a significant other may seem insane to some. Working close is not an option. For others, it's a dream come true.

As business partners, you can bond and achieve the work-life balance required for a growing young relationship.

Of course, it may appear to be a risky venture at first, with concerns such as "what if she's a lazy latecomer?" What if he's not very good at dealing with customers?

If you really want to get into business with your better half, this is for you!

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Why Young Couples Should Consider Starting a Business Venture Together 

Some people fear that working with their significant other can distract them. However, many couples businesses have very positive outcomes, and here's why: 

  • Sometimes you can't build a life together if you aren't in it together.
  • A business built through sharing ideas between people who genuinely love and value each other can help surmount most of the challenges typical of entrepreneurship.
  • A two-person team business venture improves communication and shares the workload. 
  • You have the chance to navigate and negotiate tricky business negotiations and pool resources for a more substantial, quickly thriving business.

 Some of the best and most profitable young couples' business ideas are as follows:

1. Health and Wellness Brands

Health and wellness range from health coaches to natural skincare brands, nutritional food prep businesses, and personal fitness. There isn't a shortage of where you can fit in as a couple. The first thing would be to find your area of interest and skills. 

Are you a couple that loves to hit the gym? Do you love cooking healthy meals? Nutrition is a big deal, a high-in-demand business that can consult with hospitals, gyms, and spas.

Even large corporations consult with nutritionists to advise or provide healthy meals during some of their occasions. Setting up a business in this area with your significant other helps you bond, spread the good vibes, and rake in the profits. 

A wellness retreat is also an excellent health and wellness brand for young couples. While you run your business, you also get to mingle with people from all backgrounds, which is all fun and exciting. 

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2. Catering Business

If you have excellent culinary skills, you can turn them into a profitable catering business. Catering can be exciting, but it also works better in a team. At any time you have orders, you need an extra hand. 

Why wouldn't your partner help plan and execute that weekend order for hundreds of people? You can plan menus and playfully create fantastic food presentations for those company picnics or holiday /weekend celebrations. 

Even though you might have people helping with serving and cleaning afterward, the two of you can manage if you are on a tight budget. 

Meanwhile, catering is also one of the most flexible food service businesses, and you can start small. You might not have the complete equipment as a newly married couple, but you can gradually build the inventory together as the business grows.

Read Also: 10 Profitable One-Person Business Ideas to Try in Kenya

3. Errand and Delivery Business

Running errands and delivery services might be a suitable business opportunity for a young couple. The venture doesn't require substantial starting costs. All you have to do is first ask for people needing help shopping for stuff like groceries.

Capitalise on weekends when people are busy and need a helping hand. But you can also liaise with other businesses needing you to drop off parcels and other chores. 

The two of you can create a schedule to help run different errands and deliveries when orders come in simultaneously so you do not lose any customers. 

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4. Coffee Shop

Young people love socializing. So why not grab a social/mingling platform to create a successful business partnership with your spouse? Initial customers can be in your group of friends and family.

And again, a coffee shop doesn't require much when starting. Limited space and a menu are all you need to set it up.

The trick is to focus on the quality of the menu and customer service. You can share tasks, such that if one is preparing the coffee, your partner serves it and deals with customers' queries. 

In its growth stage, you can also take turns for an off. Later though, when it is vibrant, you hire an extra hand or two to enable you to get well-deserved rest days.

5. Renting a Market Stall

An inexpensive yet profitable business idea revolves around couples with a knack for the farmers' market. Suppose that is your usual stomping ground. How about renting your market stall there? 

You can test various business ideas within the booth, from selling groceries and fresh fruits to secondhand clothes. The list is endless of things you can sell at your stall.

Being a couple enables you to divide chores. While one fetches the supplies, the other is at the stall attending to customers. 

6. Online Education Resources

Most young people, including couples, spend most of their free time online. But online is also fertile ground for lucrative online businesses. Providing online educational resources is a good business idea you can explore. 

Even with different skills, you can create a formidable team to create a wide range of learning material for your area of interest and the vast online customer base. Think of eBooks, manual instructions, or virtual tutoring sessions.

 If you have a website or a social media page for your business, one of you can create the learning resources. The other can focus on business development, such as engaging the audience and ensuring the site runs optimally.

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7. Blogging/Vlogging

Why do you think millions of websites/blogs and youtube channels exist? It's for people who have exciting content to share. Many people also earn money from it. The duo can take advantage of digital platforms to create a blog, document their experiences, and attract an audience that is key to boosting their income.

It could be that food or travel blog, a video blog about nature, or any of your passion /hobbies as a couple. Are the two of you fitness fanatics? Create a YouTube channel to document and showcase your talent. To succeed, you have to create an exciting theme. Regularly and consistently post content, engage your audience, and make money while at it.

Read Also: How to Start and Monetize Your YouTube Channel in 2022

8. Travel Agency

 Many young couples love traveling. And whether it's within Kenya or beyond, do not let the attached business idea go to waste. The more you explore and experience new places, the more you can also want others to enjoy the same adventures.

Travel agencies can help others go on vacations, visit family and friends and go for meetings through your travel agency business. A travel agency business is all about creating a travel itinerary for travelers. You can choose their travel mode and organize their accommodation and entire stay, including sightseeing. 

You can also plan for a wide range of in-country tourist attractions and cultural events for those keen to tour Kenya. The beauty of establishing a travel agency is that you do not have to rent space. 

Your virtual agency team can do it. After all, most of the communications, advice, and guidance are online. Hence, you can start with minimal funds until the business picks up. Then, you can add other travel-related products/ accessories, such as travel bags, shoes, etc.

9. Wedding-related Services/Products

If there is a business idea, two lovebirds might understand so well it is a wedding-related niche. But the wedding industry is enormous, providing a wide range of options for business ideas. For example, you can specialize in wedding flowers, cakes, or gifts. 

Even wedding-related stationery or music are fantastic and profitable business ideas you can grab. Some of them do not require much starting costs. Still, it requires you to research extensively to pick an area that interests both of you and one that has the potential for profits. 

10. Home Cleaning Services

Young couples with an entrepreneurial spirit can also explore home cleaning services. But home cleaning is also an expansive area. You and your partner might have to weigh in and see where your interests and strengths lie to choose the right home cleaning jobs.

The most common ones include window cleaning, home arrangement, decluttering, and pool cleaning. The thing with a partnership of this kind is that you can perform several home cleaning niches at once. 

While one cleans the house interior, the other can clean the windows or the pool. It's also a picture-perfect bonding session where you run your business and still enjoy each other's presence.


Many couples succeed because of their careful thought and selection of a business. Trades for which you are passionate and eager can help you thrive since you come in as a strong, go-getter team.

With unity of purpose, you draw respect, trust, and excellent communication between the two of you but also extend the same positive feelings and attitude to your clients.

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Ian Job is an articulate writer with over four years of experience in SEO writing, digital marketing and screenwriting. Away from writing, he's probably producing an indie movie if you don't find him mentoring upcoming content writers. You can connect with him on Medium.

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