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Why Your New Year's Resolutions Should Begin in December
Money Management

Why Your New Year's Resolutions Should Begin in December

The best time to start a life-changing resolution is not by waiting for the perfect timing but to start as soon as you can.

In this case, and if you want to stick by your resolutions when 2023 clocks in, you do not have to start in January. You could start establishing good habits now and create a daily routine which ends being a self-investment.

By starting your resolution early, you give yourself a head start which gives you time for soft launching your resolutions before the New Year rolls around. The only probable challenge is that you have to actually stick to your resolutions.

Ready to do this? Here’s how you can create a plan which will enable you to start easier in 2023 by giving your best shot in December!

As you plan for a better 2023, here are some few things you can consider to have a soft landing in the New Year.

1. Review the year’s financial mistakes and victories

It is difficult to plan for the future without looking at your past. To start off well in your New Year plans, you can go through your financial statements to gauge where you currently are sitting. This means that you need to scrutinise your bank and mobile money statements to avoid the financial mistakes you could have made in the last year.

In this evaluation, what did you succeed in doing well? Where did you falter? 

Whatever the response, you are at a better place to start off in the new year from a point of knowledge of your financial standing.

2. List financial goals for the new year

From your review of the year’s financial mistakes and victories, you can make a list of your goals for the New Year.  

The goals can be financial or they could be over-arching. They could be big or small goals which are specific. 

Whatever the case, have your goals in line with what you wish to achieve. Consider having them printed and pinned in a place you can see them daily to help you stay on track.

3. Daily review plans

For long-term success, keep reassessing your goals regularly. This will help you notice the progress of your plans, big or small. 

By doing so, you keep the momentum going and which encourages you to stay the course.

4. Budget

To achieve the financial goals which you have set, consider drawing a budget today to help you realise them in the New Year. 

The budget helps you to know how much money you need every month for every goal you have set for yourself.

In addition, factor in expenses like household, commuting, childcare, entertainment, clothes, or paying off debt.

This means that you have to have a good understanding of your money which will enable you to create an action plan towards achieving your goals.

5. Review spending habits

Since budgeting helps you know how much of your money goes to each goal, you can review how you spend each day and see how best to reallocate the savings towards achieving your goals. 

If you were ordering take out each lunch time or you are paying for services you rarely use, then consider assessing these and commit to a new path that will move you towards achieving your goals faster.

6. Clear debt

Towards a better start in the New Year, you should consider evaluating your debt and depending on where you are, seek debt consolidation options

Having multiple balances with different interest rates, it can get overwhelming and make it harder to repay all that you owe. 

To make it easier on you and for the repayments to happen at your pace, consider seeking debt restructuring so that you can stay afloat. 

In addition, consider clearing your debts that are small and manageable while you seek alternatives for the ones that are major to you.

7. Start a financial literacy programme

Expanding your financial knowledge is one of the best investments you can ever make for yourself. 

You can consider programmes that will help you learn more about budgeting, money management, debt, retirement, credit and so on.

Read Also: 9 Financial Topics You Need An Understanding Of

There are several resources that can help you on your journey starting with the many online tools and personal finance books which can help you educate yourself on matters finances.

How you can set achievable goals this December for a soft start in January 2023

Joey Adams, an American comedian and author is quoted saying, “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions”, but should they?

Habit change takes time and for a New Year’s resolution, December is a good month to start. It may take a few attempts to figure out how to successfully go about changing a habit.

Forming a new habit involves repeating a new behaviour time after time and in the same context. To make it regular, some programming takes place to make a habit a routine.

For New Year’s resolutions, December is a good time to intentionally start a new routine. Also, failing in December only shows you what you need to fix so that when January rolls around, you are already on the path to successfully carrying out your resolutions.

So, why start early?

The straight answer is that you’ll give yourself a head start before the year rolls in. Since you are competing against yourself, you may as well do everything in your power to push through. 

Again, since you have already done some of the work, January will have less daunting pressure of starting something new.

Being ahead of the game

For what you want to accomplish, don’t wait until the New Year to get started.

To be ahead of the competition, learn a new skill or to just set the tone for the year, you can start now. 

By starting early, you will be able to gain more since there is no pressure to get things done.

By starting with what you have, you reduce your costs and reduce risks since you have adequate time to plan and think your processes through.

Wrapping Up

Take December as the dry run opportunity towards restating your financial resolutions.

Be careful not to set too many goals or unrealistic financial ones since this could become a challenge to your accomplishing any of them.

Just like with a budget, consider having a checklist which will help you keep track of your progress. 

A checklist will help point out where you need to make any changes or modifications may be to your budget or in debt repayment.

Where possible, consider enlisting the help of a financial advisor who can help you with reviewing your goals.

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Njenga has over 8 years experience in multimedia and business journalism both as a writer, editor and producer. He has over 5 years of experience in radio broadcasting as a news reader, reporter and presenter. He is also a 2012 Earth Journalism Network-EJN Fellow.

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